Choosing Compassion:

Meet the Author,
Christine King

Dr. Christine King is an innovator. Her book is fresh, creative and beautiful. Hundreds of stunning photographs reveal the Enneagram’s Nine Points. Christine has made the Enneagram viscerally accessible, with few words. We see and feel that we all have gifts and struggles. Our hearts open, knowing we are on a journey towards our best self and we are not alone. 

Christine’s career began as an innovator at the Esalen Institute, Big Sur, California. She was a member of the leadership team when Esalen’s pioneers, such as Timothy Leary, Stanislav Grof, Alan Watts, Aldous Huxley, and Joseph Campbell were launching the Human Potential Movement. Hundreds of “growth centers” world-wide followed Esalen’s model, its philosophy and its values.  

She researched and wrote her doctoral dissertation at the Esalen Institute. After earning her degree in counseling, she spent the next 20 years living and working in England, Spain, Germany, Korea and Japan. While consulting with global Fortune 500 companies, the American military leadership and members of NATO, she founded Global Leadership, one of the first cross-cultural team building platforms. 

Christine was offered an associate professor position at Barry University in Miami, Florida, where she directed graduate programs in organizational leadership. During this time, she had a life-changing event. She was gifted an Enneagram book and realized she had been sleepwalking with a closed heart for most of her life. That was the beginning of an intensive five-year period during which she studied, researched and experimented with the Enneagram.  

She left academia and moved to a seven acre farm with a beautiful creek and views of the Blue Ridge mountains outside of Asheville, North Carolina. She created an Enneagram retreat renter on her property and is thriving as a teacher, offering retreats and consulting with organizations, families and individuals.
